Monday, January 4, 2010

The Beginning of a New Year...2010

It sounds like a movie from when I was a kid. I can honestly say I have NO IDEA where in the world 2009 went...actually...where has the last 10 years gone. Seems like just yesterday we kept hearing how everything was going to crash when the ball dropped to begin the year 2000. Now I have TONS of gray hair and it is 2010. I refuse to grow up to be the age I am. I will not be what I pictured everyone as being when they are 50...soon to be 51. Do I have to be? NO!!!!
I will be me...the dorky, fun-loving...furry old grover...oops...went into the Sesame Street mode there for a sorry. Anywho, I refuse to be old. I refuse to have my situation at this time make me old, as well. Things are not always great in life and once in awhile life really kicks your behind. A person has to, at those times, decide internally they will NOT be the person they see themselves becoming because of situations in life. I am young, can be fun, have a happy heart and mind. Goofy mind, too, but that is another story. TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!!! I keep telling myself dad lived to be mom is I would think I have more than 20 years to live. Considering all the technology we are receiving and improving upon it could be many many more years than that!
So this is my resolution...or mind set...if you will...I refuse to let circumstances take over my mind...I will plug along until the right time comes along and boy will I blow all of you away with what I am still am, and what I become!!!! Smile awhile world. Cherie Murphy isn't dead yet!!!
And after gray hair...see what I mean about technology!!!
Ain't it great?

1 comment:

Liza said...

I needed to read something like this, I love the energy of your words. I feel so much better now,
Thank You!!!