Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I want to write something because of all the blessings Jeff and I have gotten this week.   (We have received GREAT blessings before this, right now we are receiving many more).   I am not sure what to say...so...I am saying:   Thank you, Heavenly Father for showing Jeff he is loved and You still care about him.   I love him so much and he needs these blessings.   I know You know it better than anyone.   Thank you so much.
                                   A Savior Is Born  by Joseph Brickey
I love my Heavenly Father.   He is there and He loves me and you!    Jesus is The CHRIST.   I am so very excited!   Of all the billions of people ever born on this earth, I am one who knows of the birth of Jesus and so much more.   Who am I to be chosen?   I am unworthy...however, I am so grateful.
We hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas Season!  God bless us all!

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