Thursday, September 15, 2011

Going on a diet...

Well, Jeff and I are going on a diet whether we want to or not.  HAHAHAHA.   I thought this cartoon was hilarious.   Seems like no matter how down and out we get we don't lose much weight.   We always seem to have pasta and bread.   So...the rest of the story...
Jeff and I are back.   WE LOVE OUR APARTMENT.   It is really nice.  We look out on a road and onto the beautiful landscape up to the Clubhouse.  It is beautiful.  
We have sold so many things in our moves we can not believe we even have anything to unpack.  :)   However, we have a lot.   We are still not totally  unpacked.  It is getting closer tho.   We need a few purchases to finish up, will get done.   We need a job...Jeff is interviewing in Virginia and Fort Wayne.  PLEASE, whomever reads this, PRAY he finds something in Fort Wayne.   I don't want to be here by myself without a vehicle and without Jeff...and we love it here.
All is going well.   We are excited for change and also waiting with fear and trepidation for the job of our dreams...or a job.   :)
All is well...all is well.

1 comment:

hoosiergirl said...

I am glad you are back!!! It's great you have a nice place and are happy...even though worries tarnish that completeness. I love that you stop by and comment on my blog! I will pray hard for y'all and especially a job!
And the diet thing...UGH! I always wonder myself, for as little as I eat, how in the heck I still put on or the last two weights, stayed the same...UGH! Drives me batty! So I wish you both the best!!! I know how hard it is! Why does food have to taste so good and be so comforting!!!
Sure do love ya Cherie and Jeff!!