Monday, September 26, 2011


Praying is easy and endearing.  I love the Lord and my Heavenly Father...understanding what They tell me isn't as easy as I thought, I guess.   I believe sometimes maybe my faith has been fake and I thought it was real.   Not what I believe, but what I feel...I have thought I have had MANY spiritual experiences and answers to prayers.   Many of my prayers in the recent past seem as though I have misunderstood the answers.   I believe I have received answers to deeply sought questions and to my chagrin (after following my heart, mind and the Spirit) my actions on those answers have seemed to have been wrong????   I am at a loss.   I do really really try to do my very best to follow the truths I know.   The problem isn't what I believe...I know there have been struggles in the last so many years in  my life...however, I do not feel as though I have walked backward so far I can't remember how to communicate with my Father in Heaven.   This is actually terribly frightening to me.  I feel alone and don't believe the Lord or Heavenly Father would leave me...however, I don't feel I have walked away from Them either?
I remember the scripture...I will prove them herewith to see if they will follow all the commandments which I the Lord giveth them...     I know before I write this next is  childish...I am so tired of being proved...I know no matter what...I can't be perfect...however, I am feeling overwhelmed and don't seem to be good enough for anyone...and I mean, anyone...earthly or heavenly.    And now, the one action I felt I could always depend on seems to be messed up...and I DO believe Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are action must be the fault of me???
So as a friend of mine told me one time...  Life Sucks, Then Ya Die.
I just want to endure to the end.

1 comment:

hoosiergirl said...

Oh Cherie...HEY! That's a song...((SMILE))!

I so feel your despair...I know for a fact, The Good Lord is always there...and I don't think even when we aren't intentionally walking away from Him or being "perfect" Christians that we can't have our "life stinks" feelings...

My heart goes out to you...I can relate as well...I think you are fabulous and so do so many people! You ever need to chat, don't hesitate to call me!

Sure do love ya sister!!! It will all be okay...
