Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas day is over...the Spirit of Christmas need never leave.

The DAY of Christmas is over...the feelings for me are not.   I guess when you have no children...and not a lot of money...the whole commercializing of Christmas day isn't the same.    It was a great day.   Jeff and I are truly blessed.   We have been together Saturday, Sunday, Monday and today, Tuesday.   I feel the Spirit so much this year.   I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  

Jeff got a job and started working on the 28th of November.  It is the first full-time benefited job he has had since January 2010.   We are blessed we are still here...I am not sure I would have ever believed we could make it through a few months without a job before this experience.   We have learned a great deal about ourselves and others through it all.  

We miss our family in Virginia every day.   We love them SO much.    Our nieces and nephews are so very precious to us.   It was wonderful being near so many of them.    We miss them so much.   We love ALL of our family.   It has been a lot of years since I have put pictures of our family on here...I believe on the first post I had all of them listed and pics.   So this is going to be my project again this year.   You will NOT believe how grown up they have gotten in the last 3 years...we also have a new one!  WOOT!   We sure LOVE LOVE LOVE them so much!

The Lambert Girls Christmas 2011

The Heavener/Ours kids...minus Cary

Cary Ours

JD Mullins

 Kailey Mullins

Eden and Gage Sugg

1 comment:

Sarah Skinner said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Cherie and Jeff!!! We love you and wish great things for you in 2012!